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God of All Creation: Worship and Wonder

2021-5-25 | Kate Cogswell

God of All Creation: Worship and Wonder

All-Church Retreat, June 26


Every detail was crafted through His design, by His own hands, and for His purposes. He has always been! It is His hand that holds everything together. Colossians 1:16b-17 The Voice

I am sitting outside as I write today – soaking up the beauty of God’s creation on a perfect Indiana spring morning. As I gaze at the multitude of greens I can see and the variety of flowers and plants in various stages of growth, hear the chorus of birds calling out, and listen to and watch the breeze blow through the trees, I am struck anew with wonder at our God of all Creation!

What is your favorite part of God’s creation? Where do you feel most connected to God?

Hands-down for me – the ocean! The sight, sounds, smells, and swells of the waves usher me into God’s presence. Given that there are no oceans in Indiana, wind rustling through the trees – especially if it’s by a body of water – takes second place.

Seeing God’s people gathered together ranks up at the top of my list too. (And I pray we never take that for granted again!) We have a unique opportunity to gather together and explore the God of all creation in community. I invite you to join the ECC church family for an all-church retreat day on June 26, 9:00am-2:30pm, at ECC.

In partnership with Diana Shiflett (author of Spiritual Practices in Community), the day is designed for the whole congregation to enhance our own wonder of our intimate and infinite God and his activity in, through, and around us which parallels the focus of Stacey’s sabbatical theme.


From creation to the cosmos, through scripture, song, and guided experiences, designed for all ages, we will explore and encounter the God of All Creation together in community! The all-church retreat includes lunch and multiple opportunities to explore God's creation together, including a planetarium experience of the cosmos, an interactive retelling of the creation story, and worship in song.


Thanks to the Lilly Foundation the retreat is free; however, we do need you to register and place your lunch order. So mark your calendars and RSVP to gather for a great day together as we encounter the God of all creation with worship and wonder!