Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Tranistions Can Be Hard...2019


Over the last few years we have put a display together for our graduating seniors. It is always a joy to look through the pictures and look back on their time with us as a church. Some of them you will remember from their childhood and some you may not even recognize, but they all have a place here at ECC.

Transition is difficult for all ages and generations, and it is especially hard for this age group. Join me in prayers for this transition, as they are no longer a “teen” in youth group but not quite considered an adult. Statistically, we often see this transition as a time many leave the church, but that doesn’t have to be our statistic. One way you could help with this is getting to know our teens BEFORE they leave for college. Invite them into ministry work you are doing. Have coffee or lunch with them or even volunteer in youth ministry areas. But I digress.

This group of 19 seniors are an eager group and ready to tackle what life has ahead of them. We will be celebrating them May 19th at the 10:30am service. I would like to challenge you, church, to find ways to encourage these seniors during their next steps in life.

  1. Pray for our grads, not because they are lost souls but because they are incredible people who welcome your prayers to stay strong. Their faith impresses me daily!
  2. Greet them when you see them back at church. They need to know they were missed and that they have a place to come back to.
  3. Leave a note for them in their jar on the senior display.
  4. Reach out to them throughout the school year to see how they are doing.

Seniors are not the only ones transitioning. Confirmation will be celebrated on May 19 in the first service. Many of our teens have patiently gone through two years of The Journey and will be celebrated that Sunday. We are excited to see them tackle questions of the faith and grow in their beliefs through the last two year. It will be a mornings of celebration!