WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY!! – 10:30 am in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Biblical Herb Garden

Join us for ECC's Summer XP (VBS)!

Did you know ECC has a biblical herb garden? It is located to the west of the garage. It is a place for prayer and reflection containing a variety of herbs and plants, most of which have a history in the Bible! We have mint, basil, oregano, dill, hyssop, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, lavender, sage, and tarragon. We also have Moses in the Bull Rushes which is not edible.

You are free to take cuttings of these plants for your home garden or dinner table. You can also contact Carla Weathers and she will be glad to collect some for you. Carla is available to do a walkthrough of the garden. If you are interested in a walkthrough or cuttings, contact the office here and we will connect you with Carla.

Mint: ​This was mentioned when Jesus rebuked religious leaders (Matthew 23:23).

Basil: This basil herb was found growing around Christ’s tomb after he was resurrected.

Oregano: This was used in cooking in biblical times.

Dill: This was mentioned when Jesus rebuked religious leaders (Matthew 23:23).

​Hyssop: This was mentioned in washing us clean (Psalm 51:7)

Rosemary: Luke 11:42 mentions rosemary flowers changing color when Mary laid her cloak on them.

​Tarragon: This was used in cooking in biblical times.

Moses and the Bull Rushes: This is not edible.