WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY!! – 10:30 am in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

What to Expect

Here's what you should know

New to ECC?

Whether you are looking for a new church home or your first church home, the process can be challenging. You will have questions and there will be uncertainty on your first visit. So, we’d like to make things a little less uncertain and try to answer a few questions in advance. Keep reading to get a better sense of what to expect when you join us for the first time.

You are welcome here. And your questions are welcome, too. Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you will not be met with shame, guilt, condemnation, or pat answers. We believe that God in Christ has shown us grace, and we strive to do the same for all our guests.

What to Expect

We invite you to join us for worship in-person or online at 10:30am each Sunday. As you enter our lobby, you will be greeted by friendly faces and fresh donuts, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. We invite you to have a cup of coffee and visit with others before moving into our sanctuary. And you can stop by the Welcome Counter if you need any help in getting to the right place or if you have any questions we can answer.

If you want to worship with us online, you can do that on this site, by going to our worship page, or by going to our YouTube page. You can see past worship services and sermons in each of those places, as well.

Each service lasts about an hour and 15 minutes and is a combination of good music, time of prayer, and engaging teaching by one of our pastors. Our worship style here at ECC is contemporary, though from time to time we also sing older hymns—sometimes in a traditional way, and sometimes in a contemporary style.

On the first Sunday of each month, we share in communion together, and our table is open to all—long time attenders, members, and first-time guests.

What About My Children?

For younger children (infants through 3 years), we offer nursery care during worship, if needed. Preschool and kindergarten children are invited to take part in a class that begins at the start of worship, in our main building. Elementary children begin worshiping with their family in the main worship space, hear a lively Children’s Message, and are then invited to join other children for Kids Out Loud in our Life Center building. Older children will be brought back into the sanctuary during the closing part of each worship service, so parents can stay and visit with others, if they would like. Children are invited to attend these different groups but never required. If your family is more comfortable worshiping all together, you are welcome to do so!

What Should I Wear?

You'll find a whole range—from casual to shirt and tie—but most people dress very casually. Come in what makes you feel most comfortable!