Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Lent 2024

Journey with Jesus through Mark and Luke

As we continue on our journey of apprenticeship with Jesus together, we pray the time spent listening to these gospel readings will help us discover who Jesus is, get to know Him, and allow the Holy Spirit to form us more into His likeness. We invite you to consider as you listen what God is revealing to you about Himself. About yourself. And what He might be inviting you to do in response.


As we travel this path together, may Christ be formed in us more and more – for our good, His glory, and for the sake of others.

Intro to Lent

The Lenten season mirrors the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness at the beginning of his ministry where he fasted, prayed, and triumphed over the temptations of Satan.


We are invited to remember and focus on Christ’s life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection during the season of Lent. The gospels of Mark and Luke have a combined 40 chapters, so we are providing a reading of one chapter each day during Lent.


As we continue on our journey of apprenticeship with Jesus together, we pray the time spent listening to these gospel readings will help us discover who Jesus is, get to know Him, and allow the Holy Spirit to form us more into His likeness. We invite you to consider as you listen what God is revealing to you about Himself. About yourself. And what He might be inviting you to do in response.


As we travel this path together, may Christ be formed in us more and more – for our good, His glory, and for the sake of others.