Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Serve Globally - Covenant Missionary Calendar Available Now

2020-09-22 | Pastor Kurt Kincanon

I want to thank the congregation for your participation in the Congregational Meeting last Sunday and your interest in our church’s stewardship of the resources God has given us. I can’t recall exactly when or where, but somewhere in either the live or online conversation Sunday, someone asked the question: “What are all these names of people in the financial statement?” To which someone replied, “Those are the missionaries.” I was delighted that the question was answered by another congregant!

Just like you and your household hopefully participate in God’s mission by giving a portion of your income for the mission of ECC, ECC gives a portion of all we receive to both the Evangelical Covenant Church and the Central Conference. A large part of what ECC and other churches give to the greater Covenant Denomination is for world mission, the “Serve Globally” mission priority. ECC of Lafayette, designates a portion of that gift to currently support 9 missionary families. These are some of the missionaries that we pray for every Sunday.

If you would like to be more informed on how to pray for our 9 Covenant Missionaries, as well as all of the Covenant Missionaries serving globally, I invite you to get a copy of the Serve Globally Prayer Calendar. If you would like a copy of the prayer calendar, please let the church office know at ecc@ecclife.net or (765) 474 4842. Additionally, you can learn more about Missions and ECC’s Mission Commission at ecclife.net/missionsClick here to learn more about the Serve Globally Prayer Calendar.